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What Is Mindset?
Mindset is simply another word for attitude. It is how we think and how we apply our attitude in our life, relationships, families, exercise, diet and jobs. There is some great work by a lady called Dr Carol Dweck. She is a psychologist from Stanford university in America. She studies human motivation and mindset. She has spent most of her days researching why people succeed (or don’t) and looks at what is within our control to foster success. There are two types of mindset (set of attitudes that is held by a person) Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset. Our mindset...
Mental Health Is Just As Important As Physical
Our Mental Health is just as important as physical health yet we put so much effort into our physical appearance but often neglect our mental health. The coronavirus pandemic has created havoc in our lives. It has affected the way we live, school, socialise and work and now more than ever we should be practicing self-care and making sure we prioritise our wellbeing and good mental health. Mental wellbeing is not about being depressed or anxious. It is not a diagnosis or an illness, mental wellbeing is: Feeling good about ourselves and being able to function well individually or in...
Too Tired To Exercise?
Here’s one simple tip to help you get back your energy! We all know how it feels at the end of the day when we arrive home, get changed, eat and then slump down in front of the television, too tired to even think about going to the gym or class we’d promised ourselves all week that we would do. Being tired gets in the way of our health. We often mistake a busy life as the reason why we’re feeling tired. Now don’t get me wrong, having commuted for years I know that stress, trains, late finishes and everything...
Chocolate Doesn't Make You Fat, You Make You Fat
Public Health England is leading a drive to reduce calorie intake by 20% by 2024 – that’s not far away, and a lot of work still to do. So, what are the options for reducing this number? A recent announcement points towards Public Health England giving direction to food companies to reduce the calories in their food. I’m as guilty as the next person for finishing what’s on my plate just because it’s there. But in the majority of cases, just giving people smaller ready meals, won’t help reduce the calorie intake of an entire country. We will still experience...
Your Chatty Gut
Have you ever had a gut feeling or heard the term ‘Gut Brain’? This is because there is a highway of information called the brain-gut axis which creates lines of communication between our head brain and our gut brain. This highway is an extensive network of neurons and chemical messengers. These provide constant feedback about how hungry we are, whether or not we’re experiencing stress, or if we’ve ingested a disease-causing microbe. You might be surprised to know that only 10% of the messages are sent to the gut, for example the brain might tell our gut to slow down...