Pumpkin & Tomato Gratin
Pumpkin and tomato gratin is a healthy seasonal dish worthy of centre plate on your dining table.
Serves 4
1kg (2lb) piece of pumpkin
500g (1lb) tomatoes
2 sticks of celery
45g (1½ oz) of butter
Salt, garlic, parsley
4 tablespoons coarse breadcrumbs
- Pre-heat the oven to 180˚C (gas mark 4)
- Peel the pumpkin, discard the seeds and the centre core then cut into small chunks. Skin and chop the tomatoes. Wash and chop the celery.
- In a large, heavy frying pan heat 30g (1oz) of the butter then add the celery, pumpkin, and a pinch of salt. Heat slowly until the pumpkin is soft then transfer it to a shallow dish.
- In the same pan cook the tomatoes, with the garlic, a little more salt and some chopped parsley.
- When most of the moisture has evaporated and the tomatoes are almost in a purée, mix with the pumpkin, smooth down the top, cover with the breadcrumbs and the remaining butter cut into tiny knobs.
- Place on the top tray of a hot oven, 180˚C (gas mark 4), for 35-40 minutes, until the surface is golden and crisp.